Wendy D. Smith

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jake update

Here's a few random facts about Jake.

1. He's now eating 5 ounces at every feeding.
2. He hates it when you take the bottle away from him to burp him midway through his feeding.
3. I think he weighs about 11 pounds (I weighed myself and then me holding him, and the difference was 11 lbs.)
4. He's begun to smile.
5. He tries really hard to roll from his back to his tummy. But he gets stuck on his side.

Now for a few pictures from this week (... what you really wanted to see)
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(This was after I woke up from taking a nap with Jake in the recliner.)


At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Jake is doing great! He is such a cutie! Owen is six months old today and he is now 14 lbs and is just now up to six ounces for each feeding! My guy is so tiny--but healthy!
Are you still breastfeeding? Is it going well? Is he letting you get some sleep at night? I think Owen started sleeping through at around nine or ten weeks, and then stopped for a couple of weeks and then went back!
I've been thinking about you guys! We hope to see you at Homecomming... :-)
Kim Brown

At 12:08 PM, Blogger Molly D said...

I can't believe he's holding his own bottle like that! What a smart boy! Be sure to give us a call when you get to Grace on Sat so we can meet up! Love ya!

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Wendy said...

He can't hold his own bottle for very long, but he definitely likes to help you hold it! We'll give you a call on Sat.


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