Wendy D. Smith

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

A Wonderful Man

Yesterday I was sitting in the adjunct faculty office where about 40 people share three desks and three computers to hold our office hours. Two fellow employees were discussing their days and how their husbands were driving them crazy --- mostly for not doing their share of the work with the kids. They asked me if I wanted to join in their little male bashing. So I preceeded to tell them about how my husband had helped with the laundry, went to the grocery store for me, and did the dished for me this weekend. I had absolutely nothing to critize him on but could only brag about him!
I'm just so thankful for such an awesome husband who loves me so much! He makes my life so much more enjoyable! So if your husband is as wonderful as mine is, do something today to let him know how special he is!


At 6:17 PM, Blogger Molly D said...

I feel the same way! I never even feel tempted to join in on husband bashing because Myron is too good to ever bash! God has been good to us, my sister! :)

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Dan Price said...

Joel is such a stud!


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