I've been trying to work through how personalities and holiness interact with each other the last several days. I've kind of confused myself, so I'm seeking your help. I would love to hear how you think these two relate to each other. I've had some conversations with friends about it, but I'd love to get some other ideas. Feel free to point out flaws in my thoughts too!
So here is a situation that happened to help flush out what I'm feeling.
On Saturday, Joel completed a task that I had been wanting him to complete. So I walked into the room and told him that I was really proud of him. Several hours later in the midst of another conversation, he revealed that my comment rubbed him in the wrong way but he didn't say anything about it --- he just chalked it up to my personality. But I was hurt that he didn't tell me. In my mind, if my comment has rubbed him wrongly, then I need to know that so that I can change my actions otherwise I am sinning because I'm not being loving towards him. But Joel doesn't see it as a sin issue.
So my question comes in this world where we have so many personality tests and discussions about personalities and gender issues, are we creating different levels of holiness for different genders or personalities? (in my example above I think it's pretty clear that Joel and I have different levels of holiness in this case.)
Here are some of my other thoughts:
1. God only has one standard --- holiness. Even though we are saved by grace and not works, our natural response to His amazing gift of love to us should be to strive with His help to become holy. He expects holiness out of all of us --- no matter what our personality is. (Yeah, I do know that the Bible talks about those in teaching leadership being held to even a higher standard, but that is the only exception I've seen.)
2. In areas of sin in MY life, if I'm not quite sure it is a sin, a tend to error on the side of calling it a sin. But I also think that I expect others to view my life in the same way --- if they think that I might be sinning but are not sure, I'm expecting them to call me on it --- which I don't think many of them are aware that I'm expecting them to do it or that they are really willing to do so. I'd rather try to change things for the better that perhaps are okay the way they are than to get to heaven and hear God say "Well you just made it in by my grace" and not say "well done."
3. I fear that our culture, including myself, uses personality differences and gender difference as a cop-out. I know that in the past, I've said things were just personality differences because I was being selfish and didn't want to change.
So what are your thoughts on all of this? Am I out to lunch? being a heretic? expecting too much from people? I'm really interested to hear all your thoughts.