Wendy D. Smith

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

3 More days ....

Last Friday night, all the girls from our small group went out to dinner, uhm... feasted, at PF Changs. It was so wonderful to have a girls night out! And all the husbands stayed home with the kids. (You're thinking, Joel lucked out, but no, he worked until 8). We had wonderful food, and amazing desserts, not to mention great conversation and fun!

This week has been full of meetings with me. Meetings to discuss a new textbook. Mettings to help out students. Meeting to plan meetings. I'm so glad that it is only three days until Spring Break begins!!

Now for the random comment:
I was in my car driving to work. I was flipping through radio stations and landed on the Christian radio station. Now I usually don't listen to it because I get tired of hearing the same songs I heard when I was in high school, but I decided not to flip. A song was playing about being broken. We hear about this topic a lot, but it got me thinking. When I think about being broken, I think about when I'm in the muck and mire of life. But what does it really mean to live a day to day broken life? If anyone has an insights let me know.


At 1:31 PM, Blogger Mel said...

I always think of being broken by the bigs things from our past that we can't leave behind. In that respect, no you don't have live a day to day broken life.

However if you think that being broken is the little things each day that drag us down, I think that each broken piece is one step to make you stronger in character. If that makes sense. Say some random person says something hurtful, and you know they don't even know they've hurt you. You could let it bug you and you remain broken. Or you could say "They didn't even mean that," or better yet, confront them, and figure out what they really meant by what they said. Which ultimately builds character inside of you. You learn something from the expirence and move on to more broken messes.

Just some random thoughts. I hope that helps some, or gets you going in the right direction.

At 11:32 PM, Blogger Karen said...

I think of brokenness as a deep sense of unworthiness before God. Like the prodigal son said to his father..."I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son."

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the world that we forget just how magnificent His grace is...He has forgiven it all and we deserve none of His grace. It's so humbling.

Just some thoughts...with lots of love to my favorite daughter-in-law!


At 9:25 PM, Blogger Free In Christ said...

Okay, I was going to comment on this. My comment goes along with Karen's. When I think of broken, I think of the fact that were are absolutely nothing with out God. We have to realize this, because if we don't then we are depending on ourselves, and not on the Grace that has been given to us, through Jesus' death. Another thing is that if we are not to realize that we are broken, (we are all sinners in need of grace), how will we ever fall into the arms of our heavenly father.

I hope this makes some sense to you. Sometimes I can't get my thoughts into words very well.

(Karen's friend from the library)


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