Wendy D. Smith

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I've been trying to deny something for a long time. I've tried talking myself out of it, hiding it, convincing myself that I could resist it. But yesterday I came to the conclusion that I just can't deny the facts anymore.

I was reading Chosen By God by R.C. Sproul. In his second chapter, he addresses the issue of God's sovereignty and human freedom. He listed an analogy that he had heard that at first he liked but after thinking about it, found it absurd.
"God's sovereignty and human freedom are like parallel lines that meet in eternity."
He dismisses this analogy because "by definition parallel lines can't meet" so the analogy doesn't make sense.
Here comes my issues ---- I am officially a math geek!! You see, there are different types of geometry and in elliptical geometry all parallel lines intersect. So I had to go search google to make sure that I was correct. So I guess I can't deny the truth anymore! I am an official math geek. I've tried to fight it for so long, but I'll just have to face the truth!!


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