Sweet Dreams
This morning I woke up and realized that it was only about 7 am. Since it was Saturday and I did not have anything that needed to be done today, I went back to sleep. What a mistake! I had this dream where I was fixing a meal for Joel and I's extended family. I stopped cooking, to go to the bathroom and when I came back, all my dishes were gone. So I was frantically running around the house looking for my dishes, in tears, so upset , thinking that the family was going to be mad that their meal was late or not good. But none of them noticed me or would help me. So I just searched harder and cried harder. Finally, a phone call came. David Letterman stole my dishes as part of a joke for his show and the whole family was in on it. This made me even madder! (Guess this dream goes to show how much I like surprises.) I was so angry with the family members that they didn't try to console me or tell me to stop searching so frantically for the dishes.
Quite a dream, huh? Well the worst part was that when I woke up, I still had all that anger. I was really mad! I had planned on having a wonderful relaxing day, but I was just so angry inside. How is it that emotions from a dream can be so real and stick with me for so long? Needless to say, I ended up in tears this morning.
After I did some house work, I decided to go spend a gift certificate that I had won at work. I went and walked around the mall, but didn't find a single item to buy --- even more sadness!
Hopefully the day will get better! Stupid dream!!
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